Hardware and software requirements
Server requirements:
Procesor Pentium 4 or superior
Minimum 1GB of RAM
500MB space on disk
Windows Server 2003 SP2; Winddows Server 2008; Windows XP Professional SP2
Internet Information Server (IIS) with support for ASP.NET 2.0
.NET Framework Version 3.0 with last Service Pack
One of followinf DBMS platforms:
- MS SQL Server 7, 2000 or 2005, SQL Server Express
- Oracle 8i, 9i, 10i
- DB2
- MySQL 4.1 or recent
- Postgress
- Firebird (more details:
iBatis supported databases)
Client requirements:
Windows Family, MAC OS, Linux Family cu Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2.x, Safari 3.x